
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Chocolate Shakes

I found this recipe a couple of months ago, but it was during Lent and as I had given up dessert for six weeks, I put this on the back-burner.  Last night, though, hubby and I had a hankerin' for something chocolate so I thought it was the perfect time to try out this little number.

The recipe is from my fave magazine, Cook's Country.  It is from the June/July 2007 issue.  They call it the Ultimate Chocolate Milkshake, and I think that is an accurate description.  It is rich and thick and yummy and I might be craving these again very soon.

Ultimate Chocolate Milkshake

Combine 3 cups vanilla ice cream (softened and cut into large chunks), 1 1/2 cups chocolate sorbet* (softened and cut into large chunks), 1/2 cup whole milk and 2 tablespoons room-temp hot fudge sauce in a blender and puree until smooth**.  Pour into chilled glasses and serve.

*I was able to find chocolate sorbet at Trader Joe's.

**I had to help the blender a bit in the beginning, stirring with a spoon once in a while to loosen up the ice cream.

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